在全球推动「人才能力建构(human capacity building),与累积「人力资本(human capital),以便迈向21世纪的国际化教育,与提升国家竞争力之际,国父纪念馆的「外语工读生实施策...
(经济开做与死少构造)、UNESCO(分散国奖文构造),及World Bank(天下银止)等所发起的「人才培养计绘(Human Capacity Building)那类阶梯与缅怀,正是台湾社会需供自动周齐鞭策的尾要蕉蔟工程那类阶梯与缅怀,正是台湾社会需供自动周齐鞭策的尾要蕉蔟工程奉止范...
人才培育(human capacity building)是21世纪的等高教育目标。大一新生启蒙与守护,则是由高中转入大学追求知识与培养全人教育的过程中,不可或缺的教育规划。
Institutional and human capacity building 惯例和大容量的大楼
human resource capacity building 人力资源能力建设
human resources capacity building 人力资源能力建设
human resources capacity-building unit 人力资源能力建设股
It represents a useful effort not only for human capacity building but also for Ecotech in wider areas.
Chapter two analysed the severe challenge faced in Chinese railway human capacity building at present from four respects.
Morality quality is it all, have important function very among human resources structure to run through among them, this is that human capacity building is difficult to involve.
"From our standpoint the bill is a very important step forward in terms of balancing the types of assistance that we would provide the Pakistan government supporting consolidation of democratic institutions, expanding the rule of law, building the capacity of government institutions, promoting respect for internationally-recognized human rights, promoting economic freedoms, sustainable economic development.
VOA: standard.2009.10.13